Thursday, 16 January 2014

The Brief

For my Media AS course, I will be focusing on making a music magazine. I will produce a front cover, contents page and double page spread, concentrating on a music genre of my choice. Since the start of this media course I have been deconstructing different genres of music magazine covers and comparing them. I have started my market research. I read and brainstormed a music magazine then I deconstructed two more from different genres. I will be focusing mainly on a hip-hop, R&B or rap magazine as I listen mainly to those genres of music but I also like pop music so I may incorporate the two to make a hip-pop magazine for the final magazine cover. Having done media for GCSE I have a bit of experience working with photoshop and other programs, I may experience using photoshop to make my contents page, magazine cover and the double page spread.


  1. Good although - your opening sentence is a little confusing and remember the word 'I' must be a capital letter - go through and correct these.

  2. I have corrected the 'I''s to capital letter and changes to the first line have been made.
